Dissertation Alfred Larsson
For the degree of doctor in Physics, Alfred Larsson has composed an academic thesis entitled:
"The Formation and Breakdown of Passive Film on Ni Alloys : in situ synchrotron studies".
Alfred LarssonĀ“s thesis is available at the Lund University Research Portal.
Opponent appointed by the Faculty is Professor Arjan Mol, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Join us on site or online
The defense is open to the public and it is also possible to participate digitally, via the meeting tool Zoom:
Zoom-Link to Alfred Larsson's dissertation.
Webinar ID: 695 1178 6657 Passcode: 444087
About the event
The Rydberg Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, Professorsgatan 1, Lund.
goran [dot] frank [at] forbrf [dot] lth [dot] se