Student rights and obligations
Your rights and obligations as a student – where to turn
You are studying at a department that is your workplace, just as it is for your fellow students, lecturers and other staff. The head of department is responsible for the physical and psychosocial environment in the workplace and for the provision of education.
What rights and obligations are we talking about?
There is to be no discrimination, victimisation or harassment at the department. As a student, you also have certain rights with regard to your education, relating to your work environment, the implementation of exams and degree projects. At the same time, you have certain obligations as a student – not to engage in cheating, disruptive behaviour or harassment.
About student rights and guidelines on the Lund University website
About gender equality and equal opportunities on the Lund University Staff Pages
Where do you address any concerns at the department?
What can you do if you feel that your rights have not been respected? Or if you are suspected of not fulfilling your obligations as a student? You should primarily attempt to resolve the situation where it arose. For example, in a teaching situation, you can discuss possible solutions with the course responsible. If you do not wish to do this or if you feel that, notwithstanding discussions with the lecturer, you have been treated unfairly, you can turn to the study advisor or the director of studies at the department. If necessary, they can help you to present your situation to the head of department. If you feel that you have been subjected to discrimination, victimisation or harassment, you should turn directly to the head of department.
Do you want to talk to someone outside the department?
For advice and support during discussions with the department, you can turn to the Science Students' Union, LUNA, or to the Engineering Student’s Union, TLTH. Both student unions also arranges contact with the Student representative at LU, where you can also get help to appeal a case which has been processed at the department or assistance if your case gets passed on to the disciplinary board.
Science students union, LUNA (external website)
Engineering Student’s Union, TLTH (external website)
The Student Ombudsman for all students at Lund University (external website)