Synchrotron Radiation Research
The Division of Synchrotron Radiation Physics has about 50 employees and covers a wide range of research topics that are interlinked with each other as well as to research groups in Lund, Sweden, and internationally.
We perform experimental studies of physical, chemical, structural, and dynamical properties of materials, especially at surfaces and interfaces or free molecules and clusters. We develop accelerators, instrumentation, and methods for generation and use of synchrotron radiation.
We are strongly engaged in several large environments in Lund including MAX IV Laboratory, NanoLund, and Lund Laser Center. At the division we host one of Sweden's largest facilities for scanning probe microscopy, equipment for X-ray diffraction and electron spectroscopy.
We teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses and offer many exciting bachelor, master, and PhD projects.
Link to the Synchrotron Radiation Research division's website
Head of Division
Rainer Timm
Email: rainer [dot] timm [at] sljus [dot] lu [dot] se (rainer[dot]timm[at]sljus[dot]lu[dot]se)