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XANADU—"X-rays And Neutrons for ADvanced sUstainability research"—is a graduate school within Lund University’s Faculty of Science. It focuses on sustainability research by utilizing the cutting-edge facilities MAX IV and ESS. With these unique resources, Lund University is strategically positioned to lead in sustainability research and open new scientific frontiers unavailable anywhere else in the world.

Is XANADU something for me?

XANADU welcomes currently enrolled PhD students to apply for admission. 

To determine your eligibility and start the application process, please visit our application page.

Our vision

The primary objective of the XANADU research school is to equip PhD students with contemporary sustainability research knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to utilize the cutting-edge capabilities of ESS and MAX IV, both now and in the future. The strategic plans of these facilities emphasize a strong commitment to sustainability research, aligning closely with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, Lund University's 2023-2026 research strategy to fully harness the potential of ESS and MAX IV, and key university profile areas like Light and Materials.

XANADU is a unique, interdisciplinary graduate research school dedicated to sustainability research through advanced neutron and X-ray techniques available at ESS and MAX IV. It also collaborates with other established research schools, such as Agenda 2030 and ClimBEco. Strategically positioned, Lund University and its Faculty of Science offer unmatched opportunities for scientific exploration aimed at building a sustainable society. Our vision is to engage students in leveraging these state-of-the-art facilities to address the Sustainable Development Goals while fostering connections within Lund University's dynamic research ecosystem.

Our mission

XANADU's mission is threefold:

  1. To establish a research environment that fosters innovative and collaborative sustainability research among PhD students from diverse fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and the large-scale facilities themselves.
  2. To offer multidisciplinary courses and activities with a clear focus on sustainability, including seminars, training sessions at MAX IV and ESS, workshops, and international visits.
  3. To provide a platform for networking with fellow PhD students and senior scientists across various faculties, as well as with experts at ESS and MAX IV.

Strategy and operations

To successfully conduct experiments that harness the unique capabilities of MAX IV and ESS while advancing sustainability research, a broad knowledge base across disciplines, research subjects, and facility operations is essential. XANADU not only provides activities that enhance students' skills in designing and executing successful experiments but also promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange among students and experts.

By joining XANADU, you will:

  • Learn to evaluate your research using contemporary sustainability concepts.
  • Connect and collaborate with fellow PhD students and senior scientists from diverse backgrounds, including various departments, ESS, and MAX IV.
  • Access a variety of free courses that will deepen your understanding of MAX IV and ESS, and how to utilize these facilities for your research.
  • Become part of a multidisciplinary network centered around large-scale facilities, fostering collaborations across scientific domains that share experimental or theoretical methodologies.
  • Gain hands-on experience and expertise in using MAX IV, ESS, and other leading large-scale facilities.

Who supports XANADU?

XANADU is funded by the Faculty of Science at Lund University.


XANADU has an advisory board, chaired by the coordinator, consisting of PhD student representatives, a deputy coordinator, and members representing the different departments within the Faculty of Science at Lund University and the large-scale facilities, MAX IV and ESS. The advisory board decides on the XANADU’s scientific and educational strategy , budget, and monitoring of operations, guided by the plan of operation and a yearly plan of activities. 
The graduate research school is hosted by the Department of Physics at Lund University.