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Courses at Master's Level

All advanced courses given by the Department of Physics, Science Faculty, are presented on this page. The courses are sorted into which study period they are given. Some courses are given twice during the academic year. The language of instruction in our courses at Master's level is English.

Autumn Semester – Study Period 1

Will not be given autumn 2025!

The course in brief

The course covers theoretical models for the structure and reactions of atomic nuclear, as well as experiments in nuclear physics and their scientific applications. The course also includes computer and experiment laboratory exercises in order to introduce the students to methods used in modern nuclear physics. The purpose of the course is to enhance the student's knowledge of theoretical and experimental nuclear physics.

Read more about the course Advanced Nuclear Physics, FYST54, on our learning tool Canvas.

Apply to the course

Read more about prerequisites and application for the course Advanced Nuclear Physics, FYST54 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinators

Joakim Cederkäll

Andrea Idini
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: autumn period 1, and spring period 1.

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give a basic knowledge of a modern research-grade cleanroom, different methods of semiconductor nanofabrication and some practical experience how to make and characterise nanostructures. The participants of the course will use our modern cleanroom facility (Lund Nano Lab) for processing of nanostructures and take part in the course projects, which are closely connected to our research.

The course is given twice a year. Please note that the number of students is limited to 12.

Read more about the course Advanced processing of nanostructures, FYST60, on our learning tool Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, FYST60, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Ivan Maximov
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

This course is intended to give practical and theoretical insights inte common methods for numerical calculations in physics, e.g., C++ programming, numerical integration, random numbers and Monte Carlo methods.

New course code from autumn 2025 (previously FYTN03).

Read more about the course Applied Computational Physics and Machine Learning on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course Applied Computational Physics and Machine Learning at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Victor Olariu
Senior lecturer

The course in brief

This course combines theory and laboratory exercises providing extensive knowledge and familiarity with modern equipment and methods for spectroscopy and spectroscopy applications. Special emphasis is given to the area of laser spectroscopy. Research equipment is used in the laboratory exercises. The course gives a review of atomic and molecular structure, radiative and scattering processes, spectroscopy of inner electrons, optical spectroscopy, resonance methods, tunable lasers, laser spectroscopy and applications.

Read more about the course Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, FYST58, on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Joakim Bood

Course is given: autumn, period 1, even years. Autumn 2022, 2024, etc. 

The course in brief

The course aims at giving an introduction to chaotic systems, i.e. non-linear systems that are deterministic but with a time development which is not predictable over longer periods. The course should give a possibility to reflect over the fascinating phenomena which may show up in chaotic systems, for example strange attractors and in this context a basic comprehension of the importance of fractal geometry, or the possibility that the solar system is unstable over a longer time scale.

Read more about the course Chaos for Science and Technology on our learning tool Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Chaos for Science and Technology at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Andrea Idini
Senior lecturer

Course is given: autumn semester, first study period

Previous course code: FYST38 (until 2024, given in spring)

The course in brief

General air quality problems and their environmental and health effects are presented. Discussion of various measurement scenarios. Multiphase processes in air pollution studies. Physical and chemical processes associated with air pollution. Measurement and analytical methods based on physical and chemical characterisation of air pollutants. A project dealing with evaluation of environmental measurement data. Laboratory exercises where high technology research equipment is used or demonstrated.

For more information about the course Environmental Monitoring such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Adam Kristensson
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: autumn, period 1, odd years.

New course code from autumn 2025 (previously ASTM19).

The course in brief

The course in Extragalactic astronomy covers a selected number of advanced topics in galaxy formation and evolution. The interplay between stars and the insterstellar matter, the nature of the integrated light from galaxies, the interaction between galaxies, and early galaxy formation are all examples of topics covered in the course.

Read more about the course Extragalactic Astronomy on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Oscar Agertz
Senior lecturer

Previous course code: FYTN01

The course in brief

The objective of the course is to teach the student more advanced mathematical tools and methods that are useful in physics, and to apply these methods on concrete physical systems. 

Read more about the course Mathematical Methods of Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Rikkert Frederix
Senior Lecturer

Previous course code: FYST43

The course in brief

The course “Optics and optical design” teaches the basic principles of optics. Starting with ray optics, we will in the following discuss wave optics and its extension Fourier optics. We will then introduce the principles of electro-magnetic optics and discuss polarization and its implications. The last topic of the course is the optics of layered dielectric media. You will also obtain practical knowledge in optical design with the help of the ray tracing software FRED.

Read more about the course Optics and Optical Design on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Co​rd Arnold
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: autumn, period 1, even years. Autumn semesters 2024, 2026, etc.

Previous course code: ASTM20

The course in brief

The course covers both our own planetary system and planetary systems around other stars. The inner structures, surfaces and atmospheres of planets are described. The formation and stability of planetary systems are discussed, as well as methods for detecting and studying planets and planetary systems around other stars.

Read more about the course Planetary Systems on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Jens Hoeijmakers
Associate Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

The course shall deepen previous knowledge in quantum mechanics and teach the student to handle typical problems in different fields such as atomic, nuclear, solid-state, or elementary particle physics.  ​

Read more about the course Quantum Mechanics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admissions period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Stephanie Reimann

Course is given: autumn, period 1 and spring, period 1 (from 2025 also given in spring)

The course in brief

What defines a physics experiment and how does one choose an experiment or a measuring technique to study a specific problem in research or in daily life? The course aims at answering these questions by means of linking generic physical principles to a wide range of experimental cases – for example, ‘scattering’ is used in macroscopic studies of materials as well as in the microcosmos to derive information on Nature’s fundamental forces. 

Read more about the course Quantum Physics in Research and Society on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Johan Gustafson
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

This course aims to extend the material covered in the basic courses in Solid State Physics, Electronic Materials and Device Physics and provide a broader and deeper understanding of the physics of today's semiconductor devices. This includes discussions on the materials properties and physical principles underlying fundamental devices such as diodes, bipolar transistors and metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors, so called MOSFETs.

Read more about the course Semiconductor Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admissions period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinators

Carina Fasth
Senior lecturer

Dan Hessman
Senior lecturer

Course is given: period 1, autumn semester

The course in brief

In this course you will learn about:

  • Basic probability theory and statistics.
  • The concept of probability, probability distributions, and Bayes' theorem.
  • Sampling, moments, correlation, order statistics, and graphical presentation of data.
  • Estimation of parameters and model fitting.
  • The principle of Maximum Likelihood and least-squares method.
  • Signal, noise, errors, and uncertainties.

Read more about the course Statistical Tools in Astrophysics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Alexander Mustill

Other Courses

The course in brief

The course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art perspective on climate change with a particular emphasis on its social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. As a student you will receive a close understanding of the intertwined social and biophysical dynamics of both drivers and impacts of climate change, and of the different solutions that are being proposed.

Course coordinator

The course is given by the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, LUCSUS. 

For more information, please visit the course webpage at the website of Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, LUCSUS.

Autumn Semester – Study Period 2

The course is given: autumn, period 2, odd years: 2023, 2025, etc.

The course in brief

In this course you will get a solid knowledge of Lagrange and Hamilton formulations of classical mechanics with connections to field theory and relativity. The course contains the following: The variation principle and Lagrange's equations. Hamilton's principle. The central force problem with two bodies. Motion of rigid bodies. Small oscillations. Lagrange formulation of special relativity. Hamilton formalism. Canonical transformations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and Poisson brackets. Perturbation theory. Continuous systems and fields.

Read more about the course Classical Mechanics, FYTN16, on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Roman Pasechnik
Senior Lecturer

The course is given: autumn, period 2, even years. Autumn 2024, 2026, etc.

The course in brief

The course aims to give students the basic knowledge on theoretical concepts of Particle Astrophysics and the Universe evolution with a focus on a deep interconnection between cosmology and particle physics, The course intends to cover the major aspects of the Hot Big Bang theory and the Standard Cosmological Model at the forefront of theoretical and experimental high energy astroparticle physics.

Read about the course Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Roman Pasechnik​
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

On completion of the course, the student should have acquired a good understanding of a number of basic concepts that are used to describe gravitationally dominated dynamic systems within astronomy (for example star clusters, galaxies and galaxy groups), and the ability to apply the concepts by analysing such systems by means of observational data.

Read more about the course Dynamical Astronomy on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Alexander Mustill

The course is given: study period 2, autumn, odd years (2023, 2025, etc.)

Previous course code: FYST27

The course in brief

Study of the electronic structure of materials forms an important part of research in materials science. In this course we will focus on theories and methods currently used in realistic electronic structure calculations. Density functional theory is central to modern electronic structure theory and will form a significant part of the course. Band-structure methods, crucial for applying electronic structure theories to calculate the electronic structure of materials, are covered in some details. Most of the methods dealt in the course are based on one-particle (mean field) theories but in the last part of the course an introduction to Green's function theory, widely used to treat systems of interacting electrons, is given.

Read more about the course Electron Structure of Solids and Surfaces on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Ferdi Aryasetiawan

Previous course code: MAXM16

The course in brief

This course is about the properties and use of synchrotron radiation in modern science. The design and construction of the optical elements required for focusing, imaging and diffraction constitute a central part of this course. An overview of experimental techniques and methods used in spectroscopy, structure determination, imaging, microscopy, and tomography is also part of the curriculum. Furthermore, the special properties of Free Electron Lasers, i.e. the extremely short, powerful pulses, are described, as well as the applications of this radiation in new research fields.

Read more about the course Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinators

Peter Sondhauss

Pablo Villanueva Perez
Associate Senior Lecturer

Sverker Werin

Previous course code and course name: FYSN25, Experimental Tools

The course in brief

The student should learn, understand and use important tools and technologies that are used in experimental natural sciences in general, and physics experiments in particular, especially electronics and statistics.

Read more about the course Electronics for Physicists on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admissions period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Hannah Herde
Associate senior lecturer

David Silvermyr

Previous course code: FYSN14

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to teach the physical principles of lasers as well as to give an orientation of the different laser types and laser techniques. The course includes: Gaussian beams, propagation through optical components, resonator optics, photons and atoms, amplifiers, mode structure, continuous and pulsed laser operation. Two laboratory exercises, in groups of only 4 students and a highly qualified supervisor, are included: The Helium Neon laser, The Neodymium laser. The students will also be given a design project using the ray tracing program FRED.

Read more about the course Lasers on Canvas.

Apply to the Course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinators

Jörgen Larsson

Olle Lundh
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give the student knowledge of the interaction between light and highly scattering media, such as for example tissue. This knowledge is central for a large number of clinical diagnostic tools as well as laser based treatments. Biomedical optics is a fast developing field of research and the medical industry will require people with this knowledge in the near future.

Read more about the course Medical Optics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Cord Arnold
Senior Lecturer

The course is given: study period 2, autumn, odd years. Autumn 2023, 2025, etc.

Previous course code: FYST36

The course in brief

The course treats how molecules interact with electromagnetic radiation. Much emphasis is put on diatomic molecules and simpler polyatomic molecules, both theoretical and practical. Properties such as attractive forces, bounding distances, moment of inertia, molecular mass and temperature can be read from measured spectra. The course mainly covers interaction with molecules in the gas phase.

Read more about the course Molecular Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Zhongshan Li

The course in brief

This course will offer an overview of thermodynamic phenomena and kinetic processes from a materials science perspective, with application towards nanomaterials.​​

Read more about the course Nanomaterials – Thermodynamics and Kinetics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Jonas Johansson
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

Concepts about heterostructures and resulting low dimensional systems, such as quantum wells, nanowires and quantum dots. Quantum physics applied to such systems. Optical properties of low dimensional systems (transition rules, polarisation et cetera). Electron transport properties of 2D and 1D system. Quantised conductance with Landauer-formalism. Scattering phenomena in 1D. Devices based on quantum phenomena and Coulomb blockade.

Read more about the course Physics of Low-Dimensions on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admissions period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Mats-Erik Pistol

Adam Burke
Assistant professor

The course in brief

The course aims for the student to acquire a basic understanding of central concepts in the fields of quantum information and quantum computing. 

Read more about the course Quantum information on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application.  

Course coordinator

Andreas Walther
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

This course is intended to teach more advanced concepts and methods for dealing with interacting systems with many particles, and also critical phenomena. Among the topics included are: the Ising model, the transfer matrix method, mean field theory, and renormalization theory.

Read more about the course Statistical Mechanics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Tobias Ambjörnsson
Senior Lecturer

Will not be given autumn 2025!

Course is given: period 2, autumn semester

The course in brief

This course aims to give the student knowledge of the structure and evolution of stars and an understanding of the physical processes governing them, as well as skills of analysing complex astrophysical problems.

Read more about the course Stellar Structure and Evolution on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator 

Ross Church
Senior Lecturer

The course is given: autumn semester, period 2, odd years (autumn 2023, 2025, etc.)

Previous course code: FYST11

The course in brief

Research in theoretical nuclear physics began in Lund in the 1950's with scientist Sven-Gösta Nilsson and his model and flourished through the collaboration between Lund and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. Today, the Lund group focuses on descriptions of low-energy properties and reactions of atomic nuclei. The basic idea is to model the nucleus using quantum mechanics. Since the resulting differential equations are difficult to solve, several approximate schemes have been developed called many-body methods. Today these methods form the basic tools for most fields dealing with interacting particles. In the course we will cover several such approximation methods while at the same time gradually building our physics understanding of the atomic nucleus.

Read more about the course Theoretical Nuclear Physics on Canvas.

Course coordinator

Gillis Carlsson
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

In this course you will learn the theoretical foundations of the standard model of particle physics and its possible extensions. Among topics covered are the building blocks of the standard model, strong and electroweak interactions, CP violation, neutrino oscillations, and grand unification and supersymmetry.

Read more about the course Theoretical Particle Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinators

Leif Lönnblad

Malin Sjödahl

Other courses

Previous course code: FYTN14

The course in brief

Deep learning and artificial neural networks have in recent years become very popular and led to impressive results for difficult computer science problems such as classifying objects in images, speech recognition and playing Go. This course gives an introduction to artificial neural networks and deep learning, both theoretical and practical knowledge.

From 2024, the course is given by Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC).

Course coordinator

Patrik Edén
Senior Lecturer

Previous course code: FYTN12

The course in brief

In this course you will learn how mathematical and computational physics methods can be applied to biological problems. Topics include deterministic and stochastic simulations of biochemical systems, population models, spatial models and parameter optimization.

From 2024, the course is given by Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC).

Spring Semester – Study Period 1

Semester and study period: spring period 1.

The course code will change from spring 2026. The course code spring 2025 is MAXM05.

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give deepened knowledge in the physics of accelerators and experience in both calculations and modeling of accelerator systems. In addition the course aims at providing a fundamental understanding of the Free Electron Laser and its accelerator systems.

For more information about the course Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas

Apply to the course

Spring 2025, MAXM05: Course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinators

Francesca Curbis
Senior Lecturer

Sverker Werin

The course in brief

Electromagnetic radiation is probably the most important issue in physics and technology. It is the basis of most communication, the main tool to investigate materials and also relevant for energy transfer. In this course the students shall learn to apply Maxwell's equations to study the generation, propagation, and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. In particular, antennas, synchrotron radiation, wave-guides, and dispersion are considered in detail. For this purpose a variety of advanced tools, such as Lienard-Wiechert potentials and Kramers-Kronig relations, are provided. Additionally, an introduction to special relativity and its relation to electrodynamics is given. A project, where the students address topical issues, complements the course.

Read more about the course Advanced Electromagnetism on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course Advanced Electromagnetism, FYSN23 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Andreas Wacker

Course is given: autumn semester period 1, and spring semester period 1.

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give a basic knowledge of a modern research-grade cleanroom, different methods of semiconductor nanofabrication and some practical experience how to make and characterise nanostructures. The participants of the course will use our modern cleanroom facility (Lund Nano Lab) for processing of nanostructures and take part in the course projects, which are closely connected to our research. The course is given 2 times a year. Please note that the number of students is limited to 12.

Read more about the course Advanced Processing of Nanostructures on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Advanced Processing of Nanostructures, FYST60 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Ivan Maximov
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: spring period 1.

The course in brief

In this course, we will in detail go through the fundamental aspects of crystal growth. We will treat the thermodynamic preconditions for crystal growth such as chemical potential, construction of binary phase diagrams, supersaturation and nucleation. Further, we will study surface energies, surface diffusion and Wulffs theorem. Within the course section on epitaxial growth, we will discuss concepts such as surface reconstruction, lattice matching, dislocations and characterisation both in- and ex-situ. We will also go through growth methods and reactor models. During the course, the different subparts will be highlighted with examples from modern research, in particular research on epitaxy of nanostructures.

Read more about the course Chrystal Growth and Semiconductor Epitaxy, FYST71, on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Chrystal Growth and Semiconductor Epitaxy, FYST71, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Vanya Darakchieva

The course in brief

The aims of the course are that, upon completion of the course, the students should have acquired a deeper understanding of several numerical tools that are used within the modern astro-physical research and in other fields of research and development as well as practical experience of how to use them.

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule, for the course Computational Astrophysics, ASTM22, please visit the course page on Canvas.

Course coordinator

David Hobbs
Senior lecturer

Course is given: spring, both study periods, at 25% study pace.

The course in brief

The course gives a specialisation in interdisciplinary work with a focus on experimental methods within biophysics. The course aims specifically at giving an introduction to the intersection of modern physics, nanotechnology, biomolecular chemistry and biology. By being based on current scientific articles, the course prepares the students for future research work.

For more information about the course Experimental Biophysics, FYST67, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Jonas Tegenfeldt

Course is given: spring, period 1.

The course in brief

This course introduces the theoretical concepts, based on quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativity, needed to describe relativistic particles and their interactions. The course starts out with the Klein-Gordon and Dirac field equations, describing free scalar particles and fermions respectively, and their quantization. It is then shown how interactions can be included in perturbation theory and how they can be described through Feynman diagrams. These techniques are then applied mainly to calculate tree-level processes in quantum electrodynamics. The course ends with a short introduction to higher order processes and radiative corrections.

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule for the course Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, FYTN19, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, FYTN19 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Roman Pasechnik​
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: study period 1, spring

The course in brief

The course intends to give a basic physical understanding of the potential of laser diagnostic methods to non-intrusively measure parameters, as for example temperature and species concentrations in combustion processes. Central elements in the course are thereby interaction between radiation and matter, lasers and their properties, optics, optical measuring technique, molecular physics and combustion. The unique information that can be received from combustion processes with laser diagnostics can together with advanced modelling lead to a detailed knowledge of combustion processes. Such understanding is important to increase efficiency with lower concentrations of contaminants, which are important in view of the fact that combustion processes contributes to more than 90% of the energy supply of the world.

For more information about the course Laser-based Combustion Diagnostics, FYST28, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. You might need to go to the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application.

Course coordinator

Johan Zetterberg
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: spring, period 1

Previous course code: FYST21

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give the student an advanced knowledge in atomic physics and especially on the interaction between light and matter. An introduction to several modern research fields such as atoms in strong laser fields, laser cooling and trapping of atoms, quantum computers will be given.

Read more about the course Light-Matter Interaction on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Light-Matter Interaction, FYST86 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Andreas Walther
Senior lecturer

Course is given: spring, period 1.

The course in brief

The course addresses current research topics in particle and astroparticle physics, and focuses on aspects of current and future experiments in the area. The course consists of two major parts: Current Front-line Research, and Experiments and Methods, representing 7.5 ECTS credits together.

Read more about the course Modern Experimental Particle Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Modern Experimental Particle Physics, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Ruth Pöttgen
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: spring, period 1.

The course in brief

The course provides a substantial introduction to the interaction of X-rays with matter and its applications, with an emphasis on diffraction, imaging and other methods used at MAX IV. Topics covered include: Scattering and absorption, refractive index, scattering from non-crystalline material, SAXS, scattering from crystalline material, X-ray diffraction (XRD), reciprocal lattice, Ewald’s sphere, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray imaging,  tomography, coherent X-ray imaging.

Read more about the course Modern X-ray physics - diffraction and imaging on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Modern X-ray Physics – Diffraction and Imaging, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Jesper Wallentin
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: spring, study period 1.

The course in brief

The course will provide a platform both for the selection of suitable devices for various applications in optoelectronics and optical communication and for the development of next generation devices. To achieve this, the course will emphasise the underlying physics as well as how performance is affected by device design and materials properties.

For more information about the course Optoelectronics and Optical Communications, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.


The latest schedule for the course Optoelectronics and Optical Communications, FYST50 in the schedule software TimeEdit.

Apply to the course​​

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Dan Hessman
Senior Lecturer

The course is given: spring, period 1.

The course in brief

This course covers the theory of quantized electromagnetic waves (photons) and their role in physical phenomena like heat radiation and spontaneous light emission. It explores quantum coherence, verifying quantum mechanics predictions, and its transformative impact on cryptography and precision sensing. Students will focus on photon-material interactions and applications in quantum technology.

Level: Second-cycle elective for Bachelor's or Master's in Physics.
Prerequisites: Basic quantum mechanics knowledge recommended.

Please visit the course page on Canvas for more information about the syllabus, literature, and schedule for the course Quantum Optics, FYST83.

Course coordinator

Andreas Wacker

Course is given: period 1, bot spring and autumn

The course in brief

What defines a physics experiment and how does one choose an experiment or a measuring technique to study a specific problem in research or in daily life? The course aims at answering these questions by means of linking generic physical principles to a wide range of experimental cases – for example, ‘scattering’ is used in macroscopic studies of materials as well as in the microcosmos to derive information on Nature’s fundamental forces. 

Read more about the course Quantum Physics in Research and Society on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Johan Gustafson
Senior Lecturer

Course is given spring, period 1.

The course in brief

The course is intended to show you how one can use spectroscopy methods to gain a quantum mechanical understanding of the properties of different forms of matter. Therefore we will study both certain aspects of the quantum
mechanical description of matter as well as different spectroscopy methods.

Read more about the course Spectroscopy and the Quantum Description of Matter, FYST65, on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Spectroscopy and the Quantum Description of Matter, FYST65, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen

Course is given: spring, period 1, odd years. Spring 2023, 2025, etc.

The course in brief

The overall aim of the course is that you should learn about the importance of symmetries in physics and how they can be described using group theory. You will also learn how to use different group theoretical tools and how physical probblems can be simplified with the help of symmetry arguments

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule for the course Symmetries and Group Theory, FYTN13, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Course coordinators

Ferdi Aryasetiawan

Malin Sjödahl

Other courses

Previous course code: FYTN05

The course in brief

This course is intended to present some aspects of biology from a physics perspective. Among the topics covered are: cell structure, random walks and diffusion, entropic forces, chemical forces, macromolecules, and molecular mechanisms and machines.

From 2024, the course is given by Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC).

Spring Semester – Study Period 2

The course in brief

The aim of the course is to give students knowledge on techniques for creating and manipulating laser light and laser pulses This course provides both theoretical and hands on experience of lasers and non-linear optics. It goes from the basics to the research front within some aspects of the physics of lasers. The students will be exposed to lasers providing ultrashort pulses, non-linear crystals and light modulators. 

Read more about the course Advanced Optics and Lasers on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Advanced Optics and Lasers, FYST70, at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Jörgen Larsson

The course in brief

The course should give the student an ability to perform calculations and derivations using a modern quantum mechanical formalism, especially in vector spaces with continuous eigenvalue spectra. The student should also achieve an improved ability to assimilate the contents of research articles in modern physics and be able to apply the formalism on concrete physical problems.

For more information about the course Advanced Quantum Mechanics, FYST37, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.


The latest schedule for the course Advanced Quantum Mechanics, FYST37 in the schedule software TimeEdit.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Ferdi Aryasetiawan

The course in brief

The course should provide understanding of physical, chemical and meteorological processes in the atmosphere as well as environmental concequences of changes of atmospheric composition caused by human activities, such as climate change and destruction of stratospheric ozone. The course should also provide a capability to assess and discuss environmental issues within the working life and societal debate from a natural science perspective.

Read more about the course Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry on Canvas. 

Apply to the course

You'll find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, FYST45 at Lund University's central web pages (in Swedish)

Course coordinators

Johan Friberg
Associate Senior Lecturer

Pontus Roldin
Associate Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

The course gives an introduction to physical phenomena that are encountered in optical diagnostics of biological samples and organic material, and introduces methods and instrumentation for characterisation of biological tissue and organic material. These methods include optical remote sensing for studies of biological flora and fauna; laser spectroscopy based on diode lasers for measurement of absorption and fluorescence; polarisation techniques for the analysis of light scattered from biological samples; techniques for imaging and microscopy. The course also includes certain data analysis related to the methods that are treated. 

For more information about the course Biophotonics, FYST55, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Christian Brackmann
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

This course contains Einstein's theory of gravitation, the mathematics necessary for its understanding and some of its applications within physics and astronomy. Among the topics treated are special relativity, tensors in Minkowski and in curved space-times, Einstein's field equations, black holes, gravitational waves and cosmology.

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course General Relativity, FYTN08 at Lund University's central web pages.

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule for the course General Relativity, FYTN08, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Course coordinator

Johan Bijnens

The course in brief

The course is intended to show you how one can use spectroscopy methods to gain a quantum mechanical understanding of the properties of different forms of matter. Therefore we will study aspects of the quantum mechanical description of matter as well as different spectroscopy methods, and we will consider atoms, molecules, and solids. Hence, both theoretical and experimental aspects will be treated, and the analysis of experimental data on the basis of a theoretical model forms an integral part of the course.

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course High Energy Astrophysics, ASTM12, at Lund University's central web pages.

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule for the course High Energy Astrophysics, ASTM12, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Course coordinator

Ross Church
Senior Lecturer

Course is given: spring semester, study period 2

The course in brief

Encoding and processing information using quantum systems is an avenue to fundamental insights into quantum theory and groundbreaking modern applications in quantum technology. This course aims to develop in-depth theoretical understanding of quantum theory and its information processing applications. This includes the mathematical descriptions of quantum operations, entanglement theory, classicality violations, paradigmatic quantum information protocols, and selected modern applications.

For additional information about Quantum Information Theory, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

During the admission period, you will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website (or to see if the course is open for application. 

Course responsible

Armin Tavakoli
Associate senior lecturer

Course is given: study period 2, spring, odd years (2023, 2025).

The course in brief

The course will give an introduction to magnetism and a selection of current research topics. The course will also describe magnetic measurement techniques based on magnetometry, X-rays, neutrons, and scanning probes.

For more information about the course Magnetic Materials, FYST53, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Rasmus Westerström
Associate Senior Lecturer

Elizabeth Blackburn

The course in brief

The course provides an introduction to modern neutron science. The main focus of the course will be on neutron scattering and how these methods can be applied to scientific questions, focusing on examples drawn from physics. This will be supplemented by information on neutron generation for use in experiments and information on neutron instrument design.

Read more about the course Modern Neutron Science, FYST52, at Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and syllabus, as well as prerequisites for the course Modern Neutron Science at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Elizabeth Blackburn

The course in short

The course is intended for anyone who wants to broaden the knowledge of nuclear and subatomic physics from a more experimental perspective. The topics covered are of interest not only to those who wish to specialize in the field, but also to people interested in subjects as varied as astrophysics, particle physics and experimental physics in general.
Taken together with, for example, courses in theoretical physics and experimental methods, FYS246 this course can serve as a gateway to graduate-level studies. The course is also open to graduate students.

Read more about the course Modern Subatomic Physics on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You find the course description and prerequisites for the course Modern Subatomic Physics, FYST16 at Lund University's central web pages.

Course coordinator

Joakim Cederkäll


The course in brief

The course contains the following aspects: Electromagnetic radiation and non-photonic astronomy. The effect of theatmosphere on observations. Detectors for optical and infrared radiation. Detectorsfor radio waves. The noise characteristics of detectors. Signal-to-noise ratio, quantumefficiency and detective quantum efficiency. Light collecting and imaging instruments. Adaptive optics and extremely large telescopes. Space observatories. Spatial resolutionand modulation transfer function. Interferometry, visibility, (u,v)-plane andinterferometric imaging. Photometry, photometric systems and photometric reductionmethods. Spectroscopy, grating, echelle and Fourier transform spectrometers. Astrometry through the atmosphere and from space. Polarimetry and determinationof the Stokes vector.

For more information about syllabus, literature and schedule for the course Observational Techniques and Instrumentation, ASTM18, please visit the course website in Canvas.

Course coordinator

Thomas Bensby
Senior lecturer

The course in brief

The course aims at giving an introduction into surface science, which is concerned with the properties and the chemistry of surfaces and interfaces on an atomic length scale. Surfaces play a central role in a variety of modern technologies spanning from heterogenous catalysis to devices based on nano-structured materials. The surface physics course will offer a general introduction to the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of atoms and molecules at surfaces and interfaces from a mainly experimental viewpoint. Key topics include adsorption and growth of molecule and adatom layers, synchrotron based electron spectroscopies, Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and the use of Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) to visualize individual atoms and molecules at surfaces.

For more information about the course Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, FYST64, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application. 

Course coordinator

Jan Knudsen
Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

The course shall provide a better understanding of central concepts in solid state physics and their relation to the basic theories of quantum mechanics and electrodynamics. The students shall learn how these concepts can be applied to model physical effects quantitatively. Particular emphasis is given towards topics relevant to ongoing research in solid state physics and nanoscience in Lund.

For more information about the course Solid State Theory, FYST68, such as syllabus, literature and schedule, please visit the course webpage on Canvas.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application.  

Course coordinator

Erik van Loon
Associate Senior Lecturer

The course in brief

The course aims to teach the fundamental theoretical concepts behind superconductivity.

Please visit the course webpage on Canvas for more information about the course Superconductivity, including the syllabus, literature, and schedule.

Apply to the course

You will find the application details, course description and prerequisites for the course at Lund University's central web pages. Please note that you might need to visit the Swedish website to see if the course is open for application.  

Course coordinator

Martin Leijnse

Summer Course

Course is given: summer, irregularly (not during 2025)

The course in brief

The course was initiated by The Queen's University of Belfast, Lund University and Université de Rennes 1. 

The course will give you training in doing calculations and numerical "experiments". During the course, subjects such as the following will be covered: Atomic structure- central field, correlation, relativistic effects, radiative transitions, Configuration Interaction, Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Fock-metoder, Z-dependent theory. Atomic processes- the close-coupling model, the R-matrixmethod, Photoionization, elektron-ion-collisions, resonanses. Applications of atomic physics within for example astrophysics, fusion research or fluorescent light research.

Read more bout the course Intensive Course in Computational Atomic Physics, FYST87, and how to apply, on Canvas.

Course coordinator

Tomas Brage

Degree Projects and Applied Work